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How to select a college degree major

At the start of their academic careers, many students often find deciding which degree program to list as a major is one of the biggest decisions to make. It is an important decision and one you shouldn't take lightly.

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With technology rapidly evolving and, as a result, new degree majors in various subject areas being added all the time, the number of choices are many. First time, or even returning students, often feel overwhelmed by the enormous number of degree programs listed in many college catalogues.

When browsing through all the opportunities it is important to keep in mind that whatever major chosen is likely going to play a large role in guiding your later career choices, so it's important to get it right and try not to choose hastily.

Are you unsure of what program to choose? If so, here are a few tips on how to select a college degree major.


Selecting a major is a time of reflection. To start, create a list of interests and then compare to see if your top college choices have any degree programs that match. If so, think about what kind of potential job opportunities come with this interest.

Interest in the subjects chosen is critical, even if they aren't the biggest career possibilities or high money earners. People who go after the big bucks, but aren't truly interested in the subject, tend to end up making a career change later in life because they lack passion in what they do. Why waste the money and time on a degree that won’t lead to work that will be enjoyed? Try to get it right the first time.

Think about your skills

While interest is very important, so are skills. In order to succeed in a degree program and, later on, a career, selecting a major where the right analytical, technical or talents are already possessed is important.

For instance, say you want to be a video game designer, but can't seem to get the hang of programming. This could become a problem. However, if you've got excellent artistic skills, you might want to consider majoring in graphic design and not get involved in the technical aspects of game design, yet in the end, you can still work in the field of game development.

Knowing your aptitudes are is important when selecting a college major.

Career forecasts

Interests and skills are critical to build a career, but so is availability. There is no point in getting trained in a discipline that is quickly becoming outdated. The good news is most college degrees do reflect the rapid changes (i.e. technology) makes, but the updates and new courses added sometimes takes a bit of time.

One thing that can help students muddle through majors is to explore what kinds of jobs will be waiting at the end of your educational journey. Job forecasts are an excellent way to match your interests and skills with the kind of careers that will be available after graduation. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is a great resource to do this research.

Talk with an academic counselor

It is always a good idea to consult with a college academic counselor before registration. Admission counselors offer a wealth of information for first time students. Continuing students also benefit from checking in with a counselor between semesters, especially if a major doesn't quite turn out as initially expected. A counselor can offer sound advice on what classes to select or perhaps even a better degree program which is better suited to the student. Additionally, regardless of what stage you are in your college program, a counselor can check and make sure you're still on track and taking the right classes.

Still unsure? Delay the decision

At the beginning of their college journey, some students are simply not ready to commit to a degree major; this is perfectly OK. It is better to delay a decision than go headfirst into a degree program where you aren't sure it's where you want to be. In this case, it's best to explore options through general education courses and liberal studies to help you better pinpoint the direction you want to go.

The most important factors to consider when picking a college degree major are interests, skills, and job forecasts. Students who take these into consideration and combine it with some sound advice from academic counselors often have an easier time narrowing down their options and choosing the direction they truly want to go.


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